What if you could live in a place where every man, woman and child was empowered and encouraged to be the best of themselves? 

Would you want to be part of a nation devoted to
Unconditional Actualization For All?

What if you could live in a time when every person was free to work at applying the best of themselves to the betterment of others and the Earth? 

Would you want to experience
The Age of Self-Ennoblement?

What if you could join a campaign to transform today’s America into just such a place and time? 

Would you want to dedicate yourself to creating
the world’s first noble democracy?

Get the Book that started it all.
Download it for FREE here.

If you answered yes to each and all of those questions,
you’re ready to become a citizen-activist;
you have what it will take to establish the Neonaissance!

Join the Growing Ranks of America’s Citizen-Activists

Who Are They

Citizen-activists are everyday Americans who believe they have a responsibility to leave a more perfect nation to their kids and grandkids.  They are mobilizing to launch a Second American Founding – one in which their constant and constructive civic participation brings ALL of We the People to a more fulsome opportunity for Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

What Actions Are They Taking?

Citizen-activists are creating the conditions for a noble democracy by overcoming two mega-crises – events so powerful they pose an existential threat to America.

  • The Technological Singularity, the point in time when machines will finally and forever become smarter than humans and terminate all jobs for working men and women.
  • The Climatic Singularity, the point in time when the Earth will become forever warmer and severe weather will disrupt the lives of every man, woman and child in the country.

Why Are They Starting Now?

Citizen-activists understand that time is short.  Those two mega-crises will converge within the lifetime of almost every living American – Boomers, GenXs, Millennials and GenZs, alike – and create a threat that’s so overwhelming the nation cannot recover … unless individual and collective action starts right now.

When will we reach this point of no return?  What’s the date for this existential deadline?  The year 2040!

What Will Their Success Look Like?

Citizen-activists will be remembered as the next of America’s greatest generations for their courage and dedication in establishing a new era in human history that will forever be known as the Neonaissance.  They will create a time and place that celebrates both the indomitable ascendancy of the human spirit and the goodness of a healthy planet Earth.

Need More Info?

Read an excerpt of:

The New Birth of a Noble Democracy in America and the
Two Mega-Crises We Must Overcome for It to Happen

How Can You Get Involved?

Reimagine yourself as a citizen-activist.  Read Neonaissance.  Pronounced Neo nay sance.  Then, use the resources on this site to learn more about what citizen-activism is, how it’s performed and the ultimate goal of the movement.


ICAN, The Intrepid Citizen-Activist Newsletter

A publication with the latest news about what citizen-activists are doing to overcome the Titanicity and establish the Neonaissance.

One Story for All

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