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Lesson Plan #1
A Preview of What’s to Come

Read Chapter 1: Fire in the Hole.  Then, use the following questions to reinforce your learning and preparation for citizen-activism:

  1. What are the internal and external challenges facing America today?
    • What does it mean when “we sometimes let our tail wag the rest of us”?

  2. Is that behavior good or bad for the nation?
    • What lesson should we draw from “Reaction is now insufficient to achieve restoration.”?

  3. What duty do We the People have at this moment in American history?
    • If we fail to measure up to that duty, what will we surrender?
    • And, who are we talking about – who are We the People in today’s America?

  4. Why do so many Americans now sense that, for the first time in their lives, America seems fragile?

At this point, pause a moment.  If you were uncertain about any of your answers to the above questions, go back and reread the first four sections of Chapter 1.  If that clarifies your understanding, move on to the next questions.  If not, reach out to other citizen-activists for assistance.  Make sure you’re comfortable with the foundation for citizen-activism before you move on to an examination of its manifestation in today’s and tomorrow’s America.

  1. Why is the Titanicity a “point of no return”?
    • How is it different from other, more familiar passage points in American history?

  2. What two mega-crises will converge to form the Titanicity?
    • Have you already begun to feel their approach in your life?

  3. Why is the Titanicity such an ominous threat to the experience of being an American.
    • What will be its impact on your generation?

  4. What has been America’s traditional “credo of inevitability” and how will the Titanicity affect it?

  5. How does the existential challenge of the Titanicity compare to the challenge the nation faced in World War II?
    • What choice does this threat impose on every single America?

  6. What are the two missions of today’s citizen-activists?

  7. What will Americans achieve – what new birth of humankind will the nation establish by overcoming the Titancity?
    • What actions will Boomers, GenXs, Millennials and GenZs have to take to open the Neonaissance?

  8. What will be the legacy citizen-activists leave to their kids and grandkids when they introduce the Neonaissance?
    • What will make them the next of America’s greatest generations?

    Think back over everything you’ve learned – both about the challenge facing America and the duty of We the People to confront and overcome it.  Then, ask yourself one final question: are you ready to become a citizen-activist?

    • If so, move on to Chapter 2.
    • If not, ask yourself why not and if your reasoning justifies your opting out.

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    A publication with the latest news about what citizen-activists are doing to overcome the Titanicity and establish the Neonaissance.

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