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Lesson Plan #7
What We Will Accomplish

Read Chapter 7: The Neonaissance.  Then, use the following questions to reinforce your learning and preparation for citizen-activism:

  1. What is the Neonaissance and why is it such an extraordinary opportunity for all humankind and most especially for Americans?
    • How is the Neonaissance both a “derivative of and a complete break from” the Renaissance?

  2. What will we accomplish – what two historic outcomes will we bring about – with the establishment of the Neonaissance in America?

  3. What is a “noble person” as envisioned by the Neonaissance and how is the way their nobility is achieved different from the way nobility has traditionally been acquired?

        At this point, pause a moment.  If you were uncertain about any of your answers to the above questions, go back and reread the first section of Chapter 7.  If that clarifies your understanding, move on to the next questions.  If not, seek out other citizen-activists and open a dialogue on the fundamental elements of the Neonaissance and why it represents such a radical departure from the Modern Age.  Make sure you fully appreciate how this new period in history will enrich the experience of being American for all Americans.

        1. How will the Universal Living Interest shape the character and content of the Neonaissance?

        2. How would you explain this statement to a friend, “The Neonaissance does not represent the perfection of humans, but rather the work that will be continuously done to perfect the sum of humankind.”?

        3. What is the goal of the Universal Human Initiative (UHI)?
          • How will it be paid for?

        4. How is the universal noble income which the UHI will establish different from the conventional understanding of a universal basic income?
          • What are the two flawed assumptions that shape the way a universal basic income is understood and considered today?

        5. What will the emergence of an Omni Class in America mean for the country’s citizens?

        6. How will Americans be able to use the freedom gained through their universal noble income to work on themselves?
          • How do you think you will use that freedom – what will you do to realize the best of yourself?

        7. Why were the “green stimulus” and the various iterations of the Green New Deal unable to move America forward in combatting global warming and climate change?

        8. What is the goal of the  Universal Earth Initiative (UEI)?
          • How will it be implemented and who will be involved?

        9. How would a carbon tax work and why is it the best way to pay for the specific programs launched by the Universal Earth Initiative?
          • What would be the benefits of such a tax?

        10. How will the UEI transform the “poor person’s job program” approach of the Green New Deal into a program of meaningful work for everyone?

        11. What would you say to your children as they reached their 18th birthday and prepared to embark on their contribution to the Earth Service Corps?
          • How would you help them to appreciate both the responsibility of the role and the benefit of the experience?

        12. What must the federal government do in order to ensure the country’s E.I.s have the support they need to succeed at their mission?

        Think back over everything you’ve learned regarding the Neonaissance, the Universal Living Interest, the Universal Human Initiative and the Universal Earth Initiative.  Then, ask yourself one final question: do you believe in the transcendent promise of this new era for you and your family and are you committed to establishing it in America in your lifetime?

        • If so, move on to the Afterword.
        • If not, ask yourself why not and if your reasoning justifies your opting out.

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        A publication with the latest news about what citizen-activists are doing to overcome the Titanicity and establish the Neonaissance.

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