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Lesson Plan #4
The Titanicity

Read Chapter 4: A Perfect Catastrophe.  Then, use the following questions to reinforce your learning and preparation for citizen-activism:

  1. What is the Titanicity and why is it an event that will shape the quality of life for almost every American living today?
    • How will Americans’ faith in recovery – in their ability to restore normalcy after a crisis – be affected by the Technological and Climatic Singularities?

  2. How would you explain this statement to a family member or friend: “We the People are not just casting a shadow over our future – and the future of our kids and grandkids – we are casting in doubt our sovereignty on a temperate planet.”?

  3. What lessons should we draw from the 2019 employment and weather crises in Plano, Texas?
    • Have you ever experienced a similar foreshadowing of the Titanicity in your hometown?

At this point, pause a moment.  If you were uncertain about any of your answers to the above questions, go back and reread the first three sections of Chapter 4.  If that clarifies your understanding, move on to the next questions.  If not, reach out to other citizen-activists and ask them to help you strengthen your grasp of the Titanicity.  Make sure you are clear on both what this point of no return involves and why addressing it right away is so critical to the future of the American Dream.

  1. Why do you think the country has done so little to prepare for the Titanicity, given that there’s no secret about the pervasive and long-lasting harm it will inflict on almost every single American?

  2. What is “technological gangsterism” and how will it affect both adults and kids in America?
    • Have you been a victim of a machine-based crime and if so, how did the experience affect your sense of personal security?

  3. Why will the Titanicity force us, for the first time in our history, to question our freedom, to doubt our ability to forge a future of our choosing?

  4. What will American life be like when the Titanicity leaves many if not most of us “techno-crippled”?
    • Do you find yourself struggling to get things done or connect with others when your technology is on the blink or unavailable?

  5. What will happen to the American tradition of certain recovery, once we pass the 2040 threshold?

  6. What does this statement mean: “The Titanicity will be an existential concussion from a boundless uncertainty that never ends.”?

  7. How can Americans avoid the trauma of the Titanicity and the PTSD it will cause?
    • What must we do – each and all of us – to avoid the horror of simultaneous economic insecurity and societal impoverishment?

  8. What would you say to those who push back against the existence of the Titanicity – how would you convince them that it’s both real and a threat to their rights as Americans?

  9. The idea of a perfect catastrophe – especially one that will occur in the midst of other important national and personal imperatives – can provoke anger and paralysis or determination and hope.    It can be a negative derailer or a positive motivator.  How will you ensure that you and your family avoid the former and adopt the latter?

Think back over everything you’ve learned regarding the Titanicity and the economic insecurity and societal impoverishment it will impose on your own future as well as on that of your kids and grandkids.  Then, ask yourself one final question: are you ready to act to correct this situation?

  • If so, move on to Chapter 5.
  • If not, ask yourself why not and if your reasoning justifies your opting out.

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