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Lesson Plan #6
The Citizen-Activist Mission

Read Chapter 6: Whither We Goest ….  Then, use the following questions to reinforce your learning and preparation for citizen-activism:

  1. What are the two ways Americans can respond to the life-defining challenge of the Titanicity?
    • Which response will you choose and why will you do so?

  2. Why is it both necessary and appropriate to look to the steps the federal government took to resolve the Great Depression as a guide for developing our response to the Titanicity?
    • Why should we consider outcomes achieved by the New Deal in the workplace and on the farm to be “conjoined successes”?

  3. What were the two goals of the New Deal?
    • Why was the way the federal government achieved those goals essentially a strategy of looking backward to move forward?

  4. Why will the New Deal be helpful but insufficient as a blueprint for resolving the threat posed by Technological and Climatic Singularities?

              At this point, pause a moment.  If you were uncertain about any of your answers to the above questions, go back and reread the first two sections of Chapter 6.  If that clarifies your understanding, move on to the next questions.  If not, connect with other citizen-activists and engage them in a discussion of why the New Deal can help clarify the mission of citizen-activists.  Make sure you have a handle on how that initiative both advances and falls short of what will be needed to overcome the Titanicity.

              1. What is the Grand Deal and how will it be different from the New Deal?

              2. What three results should the Grand Deal achieve in order to change the course of American history for the better?
                • Why must it be implemented as a “work-in-progress”?

              3. What does the following statement mean: “Ironically, the only way we can create an entirely new reality in America is by reconnecting with the American Dream as it was first envisioned.”?
                • Why is such a Second American Founding necessary?

              4. How will The National Aspiration Act enable us to create a more perfect reality of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness for all Americans?

              5. What objective will rally Americans to undertake the Grand Deal, “the greatest civic campaign this nation – indeed the world – has ever known”?
                • How does that goal enable and empower every single American to experience the apex of human need as it was defined by Abraham Maslow?

              6. What are the two unethical behaviors practiced by today’s developers of AI-based workplace tools
                • Why is the American Artificial Intelligence Initiative an inadequate response to those abusive activities?

              7. What are the human behaviors causing global warming and why are they a threat to economic security and societal wellbeing?
                • Audit the way you and your family live, work, shop and recreate and pinpoint those behaviors that you should correct to avoid contributing to global warming.

              8. What hard truth does the Covid-19 pandemic teach us about the Titanicity and its impact on humankind?

                                Think back over everything you’ve learned regarding the Grand Deal, the Second American Founding, The National Aspiration Act and Unconditional Actualization For All.  Then, ask yourself one final question: are you ready to accept the mission of making them happen – are you ready to take your place among the next greatest generations in America?

                                • If so, move on to Chapter 7.
                                • If not, ask yourself why not and if your reasoning justifies your opting out.

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                                A publication with the latest news about what citizen-activists are doing to overcome the Titanicity and establish the Neonaissance.

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