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Lesson Plan #5
Newsfeed Realism

Read Chapter 5: What It Will Be Like.  Then, use the following questions and exercise to reinforce your learning and preparation for citizen-activism:

  1. How would you define “newsfeed realism”?
    • How is it different from science fiction?
    • Why is it an important device for comprehending the perfect catastrophe of the Titanicity?

  2. Now, it’s your turn. Use the technique of newsfeed realism to describe what will happen to your career field and in your hometown beginning at one midnight after midnight on the Titanicity clock. It involves three steps:
        • Step 1 is to develop a foundational skill for citizen-activism: situational awareness.  Find and regularly tap into trusted sources of news and information.  Make yourself an informed citizen about:
          • The use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in your profession, craft or trade and in your day-to-day activities.
          • The ongoing increase in global warming and its impact on the weather in your city and state and on the quality of your life.
        • Step 2 is to imagine what the situational conditions you’re observing will look like in 2041.  How are they likely to change the way you work and live and the expectations and hopes you have for yourself and for your family.
          • This is a written or typed exercise.  You are going to memorialize your depiction of what your life could be like after we pass through the Titanicity.
          • Describe both the general or overall reality you might see reported in your personal newsfeed – the way almost everyone will be affected by the Technological and Climatic Singularities – and then do the same for a specific location or situation that would touch you – your neighborhood, a town event that you’ve always loved, your job, or a local institution that’s meant a lot to you (for example, the public library, a local club or civic organization).
        • Step 3 is to share what you’ve created with those who mean the most to you – your family and friends. Talk with them about the fears and hopes you’ve expressed – what you imagine your life and theirs will be like in 2041 and beyond. .
          • Make sure you and they gain a fulsome appreciation for what could happen.
          • Then, ask yourself one final question: are you ready to act – to do what you can – to correct this situation?
            • If so, move on to Chapter 6.
            • If not, ask yourself why not and if your reasoning justifies your opting out.

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